The Christmas story begins in dark streets, streets that are very dark tonight. There are plenty of rooms in
the inns of Bethlehem tonight. 75% are empty. Soldiers patrol the streets. People wonder when the next
bomb will explode. Half the people are out of work.
There are lots of dark streets. I want to speak for just a moment about a particular darkness in our own
For instance this flyer, that has been passed out in Corvallis. I don’t know who all got it. If there was only this
one, it was one too many.
It is put out by a white racist “religious” group. Its objective is to rid the white world of Jews and “mud”
races.” This kind of group has carried out attacks on synagogues and mosques and individuals of color. If you
are not in terror of such groups it may only be because you are white.
This kind of darkness is contrary to the spirit of Jesus. For on thing, he was a Jew himself, a person of
color who looked more like Osama bin Laden than like George Bush. 
Let us be clear tonight, that there are many ways in which people experience God.
Native Americans had their earth-centered rituals
Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Mormons and many others have their
own paths.
Let us be clear that the best way to bring light to dark streets and dark homes and dark lives —even the
darkness within yourself—is to live by the best path you can find.
If your path is Judaism, be the best Jew that you can.
If your path is Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim or Mormon or Christian, or even some
kind of personal spiritual value system, follow that path!
Don’t fight about it. Don’t push it on other people. Don’t claim it to be more right
than someone else’s path. Just walk it. Just live it.
This night we think of the dark streets of the world, we also think of the promise of Bethlehem that is told in
the story of Christmas. It is the story of great hope of holy light that overcomes darkness. So we sing of a
Little town of Bethlehem” where long ago hope and light was revealed in the birth of a little baby. The
message for tonight is that in spite of all, “Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light.” So may it be.
On this night of darkness, when we are sobered by troubles in our world,
            We lift our lights to declare
That faith is stronger than doubt…
That hope is stronger than despair…
That love is stronger than hate…
That light is stronger than darkness.
May faith and hope and love
            And the light of God
            Be present in us and in all the world tonight.