Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh
If I were to suggest a book for “practitioners” of Moment Ministries religion, it might be this. I could do worse. There is a difference between having a religious philosophy or belief and having a religious practice. This book offers both the philosophy and practice.
One thing the book offers is an insight into Christianity through eyes of a Buddhist. Enlightening. The author sees spiritual similarities between Christianity and Buddhism:
“Every moment is an opportunity to breathe life into the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Every moment is an opportunity to manifest the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”His approach is one of integrating the deepest meanings of both religions. It is not simply an intellectual experience for him.
“To me, religious life is life…We human beings can be nourished by the best values of many traditions.” (p. 2)Among the non-attachments to be sought after is attachment to anything as changeless, absolute truth. This is an essential in the path to peace. He agrees with Hans Kung who said,
“Until there is peace between religions, there can be no peace in the world.”As for the “practice” part of the book, the words about mindfulness and being “in the moment,” are the heart of the matter.