Just Stuff
“You’ve got to have an attitude.”
I told our beach neighbor
who was lamenting vandals.
We all get trespassed out there
at the end of the road
in our Puget paradise.
“There are bad guys around
who need our stuff for sales
to support their bad habits.”
He wasn’t comforted much
wishing for a major solution
to an ages long problem.
“You have to insure what’s
and not get too attached
to anything else.”
“It’s just stuff…
we hate to lose it…
but that’s all it is…stuff.”
He still wasn’t much comforted
wanting word of ultimate locks
or a permanent guard.
“Just remember what you paid
beach, water, sunsets…
nobody can steal that.”
He laughed finally –
“You’re right about that…
they can’t steal the sunsets.”
- Art Morgan