This is a selected group of books published by Corvallis authors and/or about the Corvallis,Oregon area.

Preview Frances Stilwell's book Come Walk Through Spring with Bessie Gragg Murphy.

This features stories of growing up in Oregon's Willamette Valley in the early 1900's. Stories are woven around Frances' pastels of the mid-valley wild flowers.

$50 (about $2.50 shipping)
email me if you want one.

Marysville Revisited:  A Tour of Historic Corvallis Houses is a pamphlet published in 1976.  Mary Hewitt did the research on the historical homes and Mary McCauley did the photography.  Done in orange stapled wraps, it consists of 22 pages, all in very good condition, but foxing with age.  Also, a small spot on the cover as can be seen in the scan on the upper left corner.  A nice tour of early and historical homes of Marysville, Oregon.  Marysville was renamed in 1853 to Corvallis so it wouldn't be confused with Marysville, CA. 16 homes are located on the map and they are identified with historical data and photographs.

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good investment book by Oregon author

Is Joshua an angel of the Lord...
or something else?

    Joshua Creffield arrives in the sleepy town of Corvallis, Oregon, in the early part of 1903, Eva Mae Hurt knows that nothing will ever be the same again. He's the most charismatic preacher the town has ever heard, and soon Eva Mae and other young women in town are going to his fiery revival meetings and, at his insistence, burning their worldly possessions. But when Joshua starts talking about which of his Brides of Eden will be the Second Mother of Christ, events take a frightening turn.

    Based on a true story, this chilling novel convincingly shows how the power of a single charismatic voice, heard at a vulnerable time, can turn the most ordinary, rational person into a cult follower.

    A native of Corvallis, Oregon, Linda Crew has long been fascinated by the story of Joshua Creffield and his followers. She did extensive research for the book, including visiting the sites where Joshua took his “brides.” The author of many books, including the best-selling Children of the River, Linda Crew lives at Wake Robin Farm in Corvallis with her husband and children.

On Sale Date: 1/24/01 • l60pp
Ages: 12 up • Grades: 7 up
Trade: $15.95 / $23.95 CAN
ISBN 0-06-028750-0
Library: $15.89 I $24.89 CAN
ISBN 0-06-028751-9
HarperCollins Publishers


    Corvallis \ kOr-val’-lis \ n:  a remarkable little town nestled in the eastern foothills of a rather unremarkable range of mountains on a small blue planet far out in the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the galaxy. 

    The planet is called Earth, for no apparent reason. The mountains are known as the Coast Range, so named because of their proximity to the coast isn’t that clever?

This town is remarkable for two reasons:

The first is the people, who are among the most highly educated human populations in the galaxy. One unfortunate side effect of being so highly educated is that the people must thoroughly examine evey subject, no matter how simple, before arriving at a decision. Say, for example, they should want to know the sum of 2+2. First they must debate the existence of the first 2. If it is determined reasonable that this 2 exists, then the second is given equal study. Satisfied that both 2s actually exist, and are capable of being added, they will then launch into a deep investigation of whether or not addition is the desirable method of arriving at the sum. Having decided that addition is proper, they then perform the task, arrive at an answer, and hire a consultant to check the results. The consultant then reports that their answer is correct, but that they could have accomplished the same result by shifting the first 2 left two places and then dividing by the second. Immediately after the people proudly announce their answer, the local chapter of the Knights Who Say No publish a flyer describing in great detail why the answer is wrong, and file a lawsuit requiring the City to correct the mistake. Eventually the people tire of waiting for their government to find an answer, and on a sunny spring morning a group of volunteers gathers, solves the problem in a few minutes over coffee and croissants, and goes out for a hike to enjoy the day.

The other remarkable thing about this particular small town is the extehsive network of trails that have appeared in the surrounding hills, fields and marshes. The people of Corvallis spend a lot of time hiking.

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